
FAQ et Diagnostic

FAQ et Diagnostic

The mat cannot be recognized.

Possible Causes (or Results)

Case1 : The dotted marks on the part of the mat that is inserted are dirty.

Case2 : The dotted marks on the part of the mat that is inserted are hidden by material that was attached.

Case3 : The mat was inserted so that the side with the material attached is facing down.

Case4 : The scanner glass is dirty.

Case5 : A mat that cannot be recognized has been inserted.



----- Case1 -----

Clean the dotted marks on the mat and their surrounding area.



----- Case2 -----

Attach the material while keeping it within the adhesive area of the mat.



----- Case3 -----

Insert the mat so that the side with the material attached is facing up.



----- Case4 -----

Clean the scanner glass from the bottom of the machine.

>> For details, see  “Cleaning the scanner glass”.



----- Case5 -----

If a mat designed specifically for this machine is not being used, use the specially designed mat.


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Modèles apparentés

CM260, CM300, CM600, CM840

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