
Veelgestelde vragen en probleemoplossing

Veelgestelde vragen en probleemoplossing

Out of Memory

The Out of Memory message appears when the machine memory is full and the machine cannot print full pages of a document. When the Out of Memory message appears, the following LED indications is shown on the control panel. The Error LED (Error) will blink 4 times and turn off for 1 second.


Please follow the steps below to clear the Out of Memory message.

  • Press and hold power for about 2 seconds until all the LEDs light up and then release it. The machine will cancel the print job and clear it from the memory.

    The machine also cancels the print job and clears it from the memory automatically one minute after entering the Out of Memory state.

  • Reduce the complexity of your document or lower the print quality.

Staat het antwoord op uw vraag er niet bij, kijkt u dan eerst bij de andere vragen:

Heeft u de beschikbare handleidingen bekeken?

Heeft u meer hulp nodig, dan kunt u contact opnemen met de Brother-klantenservice.

Verwante modellen

HL-1110, HL-1212W


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