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Full Driver & Software Package (Recommended)

Full Driver & Software Package (Recommended)

How to Install


  • If the drivers are already installed into your computer, uninstall them first before you install the new driver. To uninstall the current drivers, download the Uninstall Tool. To see how to download and use the Uninstall Tool, click here.
  • Unplug the FAX/DCP/MFC from the AC outlet and disconnect your FAX/DCP/MFC from your computer if you already connected an interface cable.
  • If you are using Windows 2000/XP Professional, you must be logged on as the Administrator.
  1. Make a temporary directory on your HDD to save the downloaded self-extracting file, e.g. C:\bront
  2. Click on the Download button and download the file.
  3. Double click the file to extract it.
  4. You will find two folders: ParaUSB and MFLPRO in the folder created in Step 3.
  5. Open the MFLPRO\Setupxxxx directory (xxxx = model name) and double click Setup.exe while holding down the Shift key.
  6. The installation will start. Please follow the installation screen directions.
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