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BR-Script Driver

BR-Script Driver

How to Install

  1. Download the target file to your Macintosh. Once downloaded, the Installer Disk Image will be mounted on your Desktop. You will find the installer package icon "xxxxxxxx.pkg" on the desktop.

    If you don't find the installer package icon, please extract the downloaded file "xxxxxxxx.dmg" manually with the Macintosh "Disk Utility". The "Disk Utility " can be found in /Applications/Utilities. Using the "Disk Utility", the Installer Disk Image can be mounted.
  2. Double click the installer package icon "xxxxxxxx.pkg". Follow the instructions on the screen.

    If the warning dialog box appears, click OK to close it.
    Click the "xxxxxxxx.pkg" file while holding the Control-key down and choose Open.
    Click here for more information.
  3. Turn off and unplug the machine from the AC outlet and disconnect it from your Macintosh if you already connected an interface cable.
  4. Connect the USB interface cable to your Macintosh, and then connect it to the machine.
    Do not connect the machine to a USB port on a keyboard or a non-powered USB hub.
  5. Plug the AC power cord into an AC outlet. Turn on the machine.
  6. Select "System Preferences" from the Apple Menu.
  7. Click the "Print & Scan" icon.
  8. Click the "+" button which is located below the "Printers" section.
  9. Click the "Default" icon which is located at the top of the dialog box.
  10. Select your machine from the "Name" list.
  11. Make sure that "XXXXXXX + PS" or "XXXXXXX + BR-Script3" is selected in the "Use" list. (Where XXXXXXX is your model name.)
  12. Click "Add". The printer is now available in the "Print & Scan" list.
  13. Select "Quit System Preferences" from the Apple Menu. The setup is now complete.


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