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Firmware Update Tool

Firmware Update Tool

How to Install

Downloading/installation procedure

  1. Click the [Download] button to begin downloading the zip file.
  2. After downloading is finished, right-click the zip file, and select an Extract option from the shortcut menu.
    If there is no Extract option, you will need to have installed a program that can open .zip files.
    Contact your system administrator for assistance.
  3. Double-click the extracted "PtTrExp.exe" to open the tool.


  • First, install the printer driver via a USB connection.
  • While the firmware is being updated, do not turn off the printer, try to access it through the network or try to print.
  • If an error occurred during the update operation or if the operation was not completed successfully, try performing the operation again from the beginning.
    If the update operation cannot be completed successfully after multiple attempts, check the printer driver settings and the cable connections.
  • The customer assumes full responsibility for performing the update operation. 
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