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Scan-key-tool 32bit (rpm package)

Scan-key-tool 32bit (rpm package)

Durchführen der Installation

  1. Download LPR driver.
  2. Login as a superuser.
  3. Check if pre-required procedures are completed
    For Distributions using firewall
    GIMP is required for "scan-to-image"
    brscanX should be installed first
  4. Install the driver.
    1. Open the terminal and go to the directory where the driver is.
    2. Install the scan-key-tool.
      Command  :  rpm  -ihv  --nodeps  (scan-key-tool filename)
    3. Check if the scanner driver is installed.
      Command  :  rpm  -qa  |  grep  -e  (scan-key-tool filename)
  5. Run scan-key-tool and try the test scanning.
    1. Run scan-key-tool(The program will run as a background process.)  
      Command  :  brscan-skey 
    2. Check if the scan-key-tool detect your scanner device.
      Command  :  brscan-skey -l
    3. Press the scan button, select user, select destination, press START.


Please refer the FAQ pages also for other information.

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