Model discontinued. This page is no longer updated.

How to Install


  • The instructions may vary depending on the Windows OS version.
  • You must be logged on as a user with Administrator privileges.
  • Quit all other applications before starting the installation.
  • If the User Account Control prompt is displayed, click Yes.
  1. Disconnect your Brother machine from your computer if you have already connected an interface cable.
  2. Make a temporary folder on your HDD [hard disk drive] as the location to save the downloaded self-extracting file, e.g. C:\brodnt
  3. Download the file to the temporary folder.
  4. Once downloaded, double-click the downloaded file, select run and choose the location you wish to unzip the DSmobile xxx folder to.
    If you are having problems with the download procedure, please click here for troubleshooting steps.
  5. Open the DSmobile xxx folder and double-click the Setup.exe file and follow the instructions on the installation screen.

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