
CUPSwrapper printer driver (deb package)

CUPSwrapper printer driver (deb package)

Durchführen der Installation

  1. Download the driver.
  2. Login as a superuser (or use "sudo" option if required).
  3. Check if pre-required procedures are completed

    For Ubuntu 8.04 or greater:
    Related distributions
    Ubuntu8.04 or greater
    Related products/drivers
    P-touch/QL-Printer drivers
    1. "sudo aa-complain cupsd" command is required before the installation.
    2. "sudo mkdir /usr/share/cups/model" command is required before the installation.

    For PT-9500PC:
    Related distributions

    Distributions that does not have "psutils" by default
    Related products/drivers
    PT-9500PC driver
    "psutils" is required to be installed.
  4. Install LPR driver and cupswrapper driver.
    1. Turn on your P-touch/QL-Printer and connect the USB or the network cable.
      ***Click the close button if the installation wizard comes up
    2. Open the terminal and go to the directory where the drivers are.
    3. Install LPR driver.
      Command  :   dpkg -i --force-all (lpr-drivername)
    4. Install cupswrapper driver.
      Command  :   dpkg -i --force-all (cupswrapper-drivername)

      ***On some distributions, you may see the following error message, please ignore it.
      "lpadmin: Bad device-uri "brusb_(model name):/dev/usb"!"
  5. (for USB Connection) Configure your printer on the cups web interface
    1. Open a web browser and go to "http://localhost:631/printers".
    2. Click "Modify Printer" and set following parameters.
      - Your P-touch/QL-Printer's name   for Device
      - Brother   for Make/Manufacturer Selection
      - P-touch/QL-Printer's name   for Model/Driver Selection


    (for Network Connection) Configure your printer on the cups web interface
    1. Open a web browser and go to "http://localhost:631/printers".
    2. Click "Modify Printer" and set following parameters.
      - LPD/LPR Host or Printer or "AppSocket/HP JetDirect"   for Device
      - socket://(Your printer's IP address)   for Device URI
      - Brother   for Make/Manufacturer Selection
      - Your printer's name   for Model/Driver Selection
  6. Set the media size and try a test print.
    1. Open a web browser and go to "http://localhost:631/printers."
    2. Select your machine name.
    3. Click "Set Printer Options" and set the media size.
      e.g. If you are using 62mm tape, select 62mm.
      ***P-touch/QL-Printer will return errors with smaller or bigger media width configuration.
    4. Click "Print Test Page"

      ***Media length for continuous tape is about 100mm.
      ***Use the paper tool command to add a custom media size longer/shorter than 100mm


Please also refer to FAQs for more information.

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